News & Dates

Let’s Read Day 2

Today we continued our activities for our favourite books. We shared what we had been doing with the school in assembly.

At the end of the day parents and carers came in to read with us.

Let’s Read Day 1

Children have spent time exploring the changes to our library. They have been reading their favourite books and sharing them with their friends. All classes took part in DEAR (Drop Everything And Read). Classes also joined up to read with each other.

Harvest 2023

Thank you to everyone who attended our Harvest performance. The children were excited to share with their grown-ups what they’ve been learning about harvest and shared their thank yous to all involved in the production of the food we eat. They shared poems and artwork and sang their favourite Harvest songs at the top of their voices. These can be seen on the video below. We are also overwhelmed by the generosity, yet again, of our families who kindly donated so many items for us to share with the Food Shed in Stevenage. We know that these donations will be gratefully received by families facing hard times in our community. Thank you again.

Our school dog – Kai

Important facts about Kai

Kai was born on January 6th 2022 in Grimsby. He has two  brothers (Ernie and Barney) and two sisters (Nala and Darcy). His dad is Cooper and he is a golden Cockapoo. His mum is called Willow and she is a black and white Cavapoo. This makes Kai a Cocka-cava-poo! 

Kai comes in to school every morning with Miss Potter (who is his registered owner) with a special harness and seat belt, after he has had his morning walk at his local park and breakfast. During the day he has a comfy pen with his basket and toys in Mrs. Hand’s office.

He is having his basic puppy training right now (he has passed his Dogs Trust puppy course over the summer holiday) and when he is older he will have his special therapy training to help Graveley to feel like an even better environment to grow up in and learn in.

Below is the leaflet Pupil Parliament made, our school dog policy, the information we sent out to all our pupils, parents and staff before we decided on getting a school dog and a letter the Pupil Parliament sent to Friends of Graveley asking for funding for training.

He has already brightened up the place, especially in the morning when the school adults arrive – he loves to jiggle up and get lots of fuss from everyone as well as welcoming all the pupils and parents.